
Add on the fly

When inserting PMD or Referral Source in demographics, need to be able to enter a new contact 'on the fly'. Would add a choice at top of list to 'Add New Contact' which would then open the Contacts list. Once the new contact has been added, it would be immediately available in the patient's chart. (Currently, you must close the patient's chart and reopen it.)

A Drucker submitted 77 days ago to SOAPware Features
Official response
  • 4 points
  • DONE
The SOAPware Features Team - Official Response - 64 days ago
Items addressed in SW 2008.0.431+
ageorge - 77 days ago
This is on of many examples of "on the fly" needed. A bigger example is adding pharmacies. If a patient asks me to send a script to a pharmacy not yet on my list, I have to LOGOUT OF SW after adding the pharmacy before I can use it.

EHR is only efficient once it is customized. It can only be thoroughly custimized if it can be done "on the fly".

glose - 64 days ago
This has been addressed with the next 2008.0 release .431+.

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