
Projects without "next actions"

Can I sort or filter projects for which I don't have a next action? It would be useful to ensure that I maintain ongoing progress on my projects. Whenever I see a project that that doesn't have a "next action", I know that I need identify a next action.

merante submitted 340 days ago to SimpleGTD
Official response
The SimpleGTD Team - Official Response - 203 days ago
I think marking project with 0 - actions in red is a good way to make those projects stand out. Will work on it.
fviereck - 339 days ago
Projects w/o Next Action? How does this work with GTD?
merante - 339 days ago
Well, if I understand GTD, really the only thing we identify is the "next action" for a project. Once we complete that "next action", we re-evaluate and identify the next "next action".

During the time between the completion of a "next action" and the creation of a next "next action", a project would have zero next actions identified.
bkhl - 234 days ago
I agree that this would be useful.

How this should be implemented depends on how you view projects.

One way would be to just make it easier to review what projects have no next actions on

Turning any links there that says "(0 actions)" red or something should be sufficient in that case.

You might also take the view that any projects that don't have a next action is in limbo and might need immediate review.

In that case, we might want any projects with no next action to show up in the inbox.
krewetka - 196 days ago
One small remark to :
"think marking project with 0 - actions in red is a good way to make those projects stand out. Will work on it."

I hope you mean 0 next-actions not 0 actions at is not the same.

I usually have a lot of actions added earlier, just forget to mark new next-action when I finish previous one :-/
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