
see who voted

Similar to how digg shows a list of users who voted for the suggestion allowing for checks of duplicate votes and further discussion

coreyg submitted 268 days ago to FeVote
  • 2 points
  • DONE
taylorluker - 260 days ago
It kind of already does this by not allowing duplicate votes on one suggestion. Try clicking up or down on a suggestion that you have already clicked. It won't work. Saying who voted up or down to me, creates a form or corruption, as in you can see who did or didn't like your idea. Perhaps this could be a feature in history, allow others to view my voting history (both in a profile and on the actual suggestion page itself).
coreyg - 260 days ago
This could be something that is only available to admin...the benefit I see behind it is to see is there are fake users signing up to push a certain feature. I know this sounds quite mercenary but I've known people to do it as long as their feature wins.
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