I want something more user-friendly than either the To-do tasklist and the Goals tracker. I want a progress tracker...You could specify the goal, a s...
I wish someone would make a "Wizard" for applications. I tried playing with the Developer app, the tutorial it came with, reading the help stuff...an...
I love Facebook.com, but is it possible to make so you customize everything in your layout? The Colors (Boost does not do it... It has crummy selecti...
Facebook Needs to add option allowing a user to send a uniform message to all friends in addition to the current choices of either typing in all names...
From the Web Worker Daily: http://webworkerdaily.com/2007/06/13/ten-things-i-hate-about-you-facebook/...
Sometimes we accidentally click friend, though we do not know the person well. I suggest that there is a grace period during which a friending action ...
I think there is too much white space to the left and to the right of facebook, limiting the size of the applications. If there were less white space...
The given political views are quite restrictive. Change the edit process so you can write your own just as you can with religion....
When its your birthday you can decorate your profile with banners and things to show it your birthday and you can send them birthday gifts...