When searching for someone, searching age range would be really helpful for those people with common names ..... I've been searching for a Matthew Smi...
How about being able to have multiple limited profiles... So if you have a group of people you don't want seeing your pics, you can allow them to see ...
I'd like people to be able to track me by my maiden name and to be able to track others....... ...
The idea here would be that if you had one friend on facebook which you thought might like to be friends with one of your other friends you could have...
The news feed is out of control since the induction of the Facebook Platform (applications). I'd like to customize the news feed so that ...
You could create Facebook Pages, instead of having everything posted on one single page, because it slows a person's home page down way to much to hav...
You could create Themes for users to choose from, even if it's just changing the color of the original layout, it would add color. ...
You could have an application where a group of friends could write what the homework assignments are for each class. Other people in the group could ...