allow people to link related stories within digg
Every submitted story should be *like* a new category. Diggers should be able to link previous stories to new ones, and vice versa. Think stream of consciousness. Diggers then digg/bury the link based on relevance.
theantirobot submitted 725 days ago to Digg
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equilibriator - 725 days ago
This is an interesting idea... i wonder how it would work out in reality such as the vast opinion on what 'seems' linked to what. Would be cool to see.
GnuTzu - 725 days ago
I would like to see some manner of clustering, and this seems as good as any.
Ultimately this might help reduce some of the debate about weather a separate article on the same topic is a dupe or is really additional commentary from another news source.
And, if the additional links are restricted to other submissions, then they couldn't be exploited for spam sites.
Ultimately this might help reduce some of the debate about weather a separate article on the same topic is a dupe or is really additional commentary from another news source.
And, if the additional links are restricted to other submissions, then they couldn't be exploited for spam sites.