Create a suggestion board!
With a suggestion board (here's ours), people can post, comment, and vote on suggestions for absolutely anything (including companies, websites, products, clubs...). Read more...
- Get super-organized feedback
- Sort suggestions
- View recent suggestions
- View all-time top suggestions
- View top suggestions within 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days
- Search suggestions
- Officially respond to suggestions
- View comments on suggestions
- Post and respond to comments
- Team members can be labeled as such when commenting
- Embed FeVote
- Put a FeVote Suggestion Box widget on your pages to let people post and vote on suggestions without leaving your site
- Soon: Embed a full suggestion board on your site (with a premium option to let you fully customize the board)
- Use an optional API to authenticate usernames for FeVote so your users do not have to to FeVote (for websites)